Advice For Ordering Flowers From a Distance

Ordering flowers from a far from a florist you don’t know can be a risky and stressful process. We frequently get calls asking if we deliver to Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary etc. Charmed is not part of a florist network. We are only able to deliver to our local area.

What is a Florist Network?

Before Google became what it is now florists relied on networks such as FTD and Teleflora to both send out and receive orders from a distance. This was, for a time, a useful service, however these networks have some major draw backs and we strongly advise against using them.

-There are steep fees for both the customer and florist.

-The network provides the flower images, not the florist, so you never really know what you are getting

-When ordering from a network site(aka order gatherer) they may be passing along your order to a local florist with a terrible customer rating, you have no control over this.

-If there is an issue with you order, you may have trouble getting through to the florist that actually received your order.

How Do You Find a Good Local Florist?

-Give us a call! Although we may not be able to take your order, we may know someone in the area you are sending to.

-Use Google! Type in “florist in Ex.Waterloo, ON”. We recommend looking for someone with a star rating of 4 or higher and at least 50 reviews. Florists with 10-30 reviews may be new, and their friends and family may be the ones leaving the reviews.

-Here is where it gets a little tricky: Order gatherers(florist networks) may try to trick you when you are using google. They may create an ad that you click on, or a fake listing.** Ask yourself: does this website look generic(examples below)? Do these photos look unique, or like everyone elses? Finally, you can always call the number in the google listing and ask where they are physically located.

Examples of generic Order Gatherers websites:

Florists We Know and Trust:

Edmonton : Swish Flowers

Calgary: Fleurish

Ottawa: Scrims

Oakville: Fiori

Mississauga: Stavebank

Vancouver: Celsia

flowersHaley Zaharia